Saturday, June 25, 2016

Revolution in Indian Book Indstry

Indian book industry and Indian Book market is very large. India has more than 250 Million potential  readers.
Although e-book Market is booming and e-books have become famous enough; till  it  is not  successful to replace print book. On the another hand Indian young generation has started to write and many talents are emerging. But lengthy and complicated filters of traditional book publishers have not extended their hand to each and  every writers. Unfortunately many talented  writers may not have chance to be published. 
But wait there comes Self-publishing option which is very handy and rapid way to publish a book. Educreation, white falcon, Cinnamon-teal and many others are in market to fetch money from Authors. These company definitely help authors to publish but their prizes and charges halt the book to  reach readers.
Below is the  example...
A simple 250 pages long standard 5"X 8" size novel prize 
100-150 rupees if traditionally published.
200-300 Rupees if self-published
In addition thousands of rupees are being charged by these self publishers for various services like Cover-designing, Interior- designing, copy-editing, also For ISBN number which is freely available in India...
After these much efforts and money being spent, Books  fail  to sell; even thought it is written best.
  • More than 2 million books are published in a year in whole world.
  • Publishers do not take care to market books.
  • Readers and retailers do not know about book published; Readers come to know only after a book is famous enough or have publicity enough.
  • There is not any chain or media that can distribute Book information to readers. (There may be argument that books listed on amazon is accessible to readers; but amazon has listed more than 2 million books and so  other e-retailers also. So book buyer can reach your book only he search by your book title. And tell me how many of potential buyer will search your name on Amazon or Google?)
And there is solution now...

HRCpublisher is founded by Mother organization Bhoomihealthcity- an off paper organization helping the creative talents; Bhoomihealthcity has done research in Self-publishing market as well as in Traditional book market in last two years by publishing books authored by its own members. It has reached to almost all well-known self-publishers and got book published; They researched each and every difficulties a published book has to face and extract of that resulted in a solution HRCpublisher.
Currently the organization is headed by Dr. Pradip Chauhan (President)

What will HRCpublisher do?

  • Professional  review of book to be published/ already published (That gives author insight of the book; and he can make changes in book)
  • The company fetches reviews to books.
  • It will help self-published book to be sold at competitive prize
  • It will make books data available to potential readers, book retailers and distributors
  • The  company is releasing first issue of the Magazine; the first magazine in India dedicated to Book industry. That will have various sections including professional reviews; New book releases, Book promotion and many others.
In near future HRCpublisher will also put its feet into Publishing industry; what will be advantage? Free publishing for every author who have written a book. (Like Createspace publisher; but the per unit book prize will be very low and competitive to traditionally published book)

Although it will charge most of the services provided by it...but till the date 30th June, 2016. The company is providing professional book review package costing 5000 rupees for free (But wait the  author/publisher will have to pay 750 rupees for various arrangement. But it is vary reasonable...)

Interview with Company president

Que: Why this company? When there are all-ready so many publishers?

Ans: Indian Book publishers both traditional and self-publishers fail to reach Potential readers; Book industry runs on very low margin and can not afford costly print media advertisement; although there is few exception but they are only two or three. 
And we want maximum Indian readers to reach a book, buy it and read it. We really want India to buy and read a book..

Que: How will be it done?

Ans: As you can see we are releasing a magazine dedicated to book only; and gradually it will reach to maximum number of potential readers like a newspaper. And each and every person will have an information of the books released- to be released each month.
But for all these we need huge support of publishers, authors, media and readers also. We have vision, plan and intelligence power to execute it. We need all to put trust in us.

Que: I have checked your website ; you have used wordpress for this professional company; that is really questionable.

Ans: We have bought,, and also. Wordpress is very easy to interact with authors and readers and we are planning to make this website interactive. Soon we will clear our first step and then we will be back to our main site which is under construction.

Que: Will you make money? or this is Non-profit organization?

  • Professional review service will be chargeable after 1st July,2016.
  • We charge for other marketing and review package 
  • But listing book in section of Hot upcoming/ New release section will be exclusively free. (Can be submitted on this page
  • As well books on promotion will be listed for free (we will release soon this page also)

Que: I have noticed call for reviewers on your website.

Ans: Yes, we are welcoming reviewers now and onward also; they are asset for us. Currently we have more than 100 reviewers in addition 10 Professional reviewers. But we are open forever to any reviewer.

Que: Will you pay to each and eveery reviewers?

Ans: If i talk in form of money; Initially we will not pay  but reviewer will do have many advantages. They will get many rewards in form of our various services.

Que: Will you fetch data or authors and publishers need to submit it.

Ans: We have decided currently to include books only submitted to us by authors/publishers.
I insist authors to submit their book for marketing and Professional review; we currently will  include submitted books only...
Books can be submitted for review package on this page

or if book is recently published or is to be published in near future can be submitted on this page (This is exclusively free service)

Que: What is your message to authors?

Ans: I request all authors to take advantage of this and please get your book listed on the site; so that your book can reach to maximum number of potential readers. Getting listed your book is currently exclusively free.

Email us if you want professional review :


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